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Figuring Out the Route

This whole process of figuring out the best route and use of the time we have to explore the USA is difficult at best. It would take months to see everything let alone actually experience it. The best we can do is narrow things down, determine what is possible and go from there.


One of the other challenges is also picking our “Main” stops along the way. As of now places like Chicago, Seattle, Portland, Napa Valley and Houston are forming some of the backbone of this Epic Wedding Moon Tour. We will be relying heavily on our friends in these towns to create lifelong memories with us and will be awarding prizes for those who exceed expectations. No Pressure…

It is looking like the first “Main” stop will be Chicago coming right off of the heels of the Wedding weekend. If you are anywhere near Chicago on Tuesday September 6th, I encourage you to join us for the festivities. There is rumor of a rooftop party but who knows what these crazy characters will come up with.

The last “Main” stop is looking like it will be on September 22nd in Houston, TX. This will be lead by the notoriously ridiculous Robert Boudwin and should prove to be nothing short of harmoniously teetering Pandemonium and Hilarity. The other stops on the tour will have their work cut of for them to match what Boudwin may bring.

Stay tuned as we continue to dial things in and thanks again for all of your love and support!

Be sure to send in your suggestions and throw a few bucks our way if you feel so compelled.

Stay Awesome!

Love Chris and Ashley

Epic Weddingmoon Tour Fund

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and support us.

We are very excited to start the next phase of our life together as a team. I (Chris . . . Ashley is allowing me to write in my voice as two voices can get exhausting) have had the good fortune of traveling all over North America throughout my career as a professional idiot performing at stadiums and arenas from Coast to Coast and everywhere in between. Along the way, I have met great people, seen wonderful things, eaten amazing food and developed a love for travel. This Epic Wedding Moon tour is a way to share all of that with Ashley and provide a chance for her to see much of what the US has to offer, meet some of the people I call friends from my life on the road, and create a memory we will both cherish forever.

In lieu of traditional gifts (I.E. small appliances, crystal, picnicware, gift certificates, bedding, or heirloom pieces) we ask that you consider supporting this campaign. Without your support we might just run out of gas in the middle of some New Mexico desert . . . but enough about that.

The Goal of $9,416 represents the date of our wedding and will go a long way to ensure the trip is possible. Gas money alone will easily be in the thousands to complete the tour. It is an EPIC tour, after all.

To make this more fun for everyone, we plan to report on our journey throughout allowing you all to be a part of this with us every step of the way. You will be able to witness our adventures first hand through Video Blogs posted to this website.

Where Will We Go?

What Will We See?

How Much Can One Person Fit In Their Stomach?

Why Are We SOOOO Tired?

All of that and much more is coming your way and we are thrilled to bring it to you.

This means the world to us and I cannot express how thankful we are that you would even consider donating your hard-earned money to our cause.

Please reach out and say hello, ask questions and give us suggestions for places to go on our way.

You are all amazing and stay awesome!


Chris and Ashley


Photo Oct 23, 10 34 53 AM

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